Source code for invenio_records_permissions.policies.records

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 CERN.
# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Northwestern University.
# Invenio-Records-Permissions is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for
# more details.

"""Access controls for records."""

import six
from flask import current_app
from werkzeug.utils import import_string

from ..errors import UnknownGeneratorError
from ..generators import AnyUser, AnyUserIfPublic, Disable, RecordOwners
from .base import BasePermissionPolicy

def _unknwon_generator(class_name):
    raise UnknownGeneratorError(
        "Unknown need generator class. {name}".format(name=class_name)
        + " is not one of [RecordNeedClass, NeedClass]"

# TODO: This is used in various invenio-modules, so should be placed in only
#       one and reused across them
def obj_or_import_string(value, default=None):
    """Import string or return object.

    :params value: Import path or class object to instantiate.
    :params default: Default object to return if the import fails.
    :returns: The imported object.
    if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
        return import_string(value)
    elif value:
        return value
    return default

[docs]class RecordPermissionPolicy(BasePermissionPolicy): """Access control configuration for records.""" NEED_LABEL_TO_ACTION = { "bucket-update": "update_files", "bucket-read": "read_files", "object-read": "read_files", } # Read access given to everyone. can_search = [AnyUser()] # Create action given to no one (Not even superusers) bc Deposits should # be used. can_create = [Disable()] # Read access given to everyone if public record/files and owners always. can_read = [AnyUserIfPublic(), RecordOwners()] # Update access given to record owners. can_update = [RecordOwners()] # Delete access given to superuser-access action only # (superuser-access is added by default by base policy) can_delete = [] # Associated files permissions (which are really bucket permissions) can_read_files = [AnyUserIfPublic(), RecordOwners()] can_update_files = [RecordOwners()] def __init__(self, action, **over): """Constructor.""" self.original_action = action action = RecordPermissionPolicy.NEED_LABEL_TO_ACTION.get(action, action) super().__init__(action, **over)
def get_record_permission_policy(): """Return RecordPermissionPolicy. Relies on ``RECORDS_PERMISSIONS_RECORD_POLICY`` to automatically configure functionality. """ return obj_or_import_string( current_app.config.get("RECORDS_PERMISSIONS_RECORD_POLICY"), default=RecordPermissionPolicy, )