Source code for invenio_records_permissions.generators

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2019-2023 CERN.
# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Northwestern University.
# Invenio-Records-Permissions is free software; you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License; see LICENSE file for
# more details.

"""Invenio Records Permissions Generators."""

import operator
from abc import abstractmethod
from functools import reduce
from itertools import chain

from flask import current_app
from flask_principal import ActionNeed, UserNeed
from invenio_access import ActionRoles, ActionUsers
from invenio_access.permissions import (
from invenio_search.engine import dsl

[docs]class Generator(object): """Parent class mapping the context when an action is allowed or denied. It does so by *generating* "needed" and "excluded" Needs. At the search level it implements the *query filters* to restrict the search. Any context inherits from this class. """
[docs] def needs(self, **kwargs): """Enabling Needs.""" return []
[docs] def excludes(self, **kwargs): """Preventing Needs.""" return []
[docs] def query_filter(self, **kwargs): """Search filters.""" return []
[docs]class AnyUser(Generator): """Allows any user."""
[docs] def needs(self, **kwargs): """Enabling Needs.""" return [any_user]
[docs] def query_filter(self, **kwargs): """Match all in search.""" # TODO: Implement with new permissions metadata return dsl.Q("match_all")
[docs]class SystemProcess(Generator): """Allows system_process role."""
[docs] def needs(self, **kwargs): """Enabling Needs.""" return [system_process]
[docs] def query_filter(self, identity=None, **kwargs): """Filters for current identity as system process.""" if system_process in identity.provides: return dsl.Q("match_all") else: return []
[docs]class SystemProcessWithoutSuperUser(SystemProcess): """Allows system_process role, excluding superuser-access needs.""" @staticmethod def _expand_superuser_access_action(): """Fetch users and roles allowed for the superuser-access action.""" roles = ( ActionRoles.query_by_action(superuser_access).join(ActionRoles.role).all() ) users = ActionUsers.query_by_action(superuser_access).all() return chain(roles, users)
[docs] def excludes(self, **kwargs): """Preventing Needs.""" return [role.need for role in self._expand_superuser_access_action()]
[docs]class Disable(Generator): """Denies ALL users including users and roles allowed to superuser-access action."""
[docs] def excludes(self, **kwargs): """Preventing Needs.""" return [any_user]
[docs] def query_filter(self, **kwargs): """Match None in search.""" return ~dsl.Q("match_all")
[docs]class RecordOwners(Generator): """Allows record owners."""
[docs] def needs(self, record=None, **kwargs): """Enabling Needs.""" return [UserNeed(owner) for owner in record.get("owners", [])]
[docs] def query_filter(self, identity=None, **kwargs): """Filters for current identity as owner.""" for need in identity.provides: if need.method == "id": return dsl.Q("term", owners=need.value) return []
[docs]class AnyUserIfPublic(Generator): """Allows any user if record is public. TODO: Revisit when dealing with files. """
[docs] def needs(self, record=None, **kwargs): """Enabling Needs.""" is_restricted = record and record.get("_access", {}).get( "metadata_restricted", False ) return [any_user] if not is_restricted else []
[docs] def excludes(self, record=None, **kwargs): """Preventing Needs.""" return []
[docs] def query_filter(self, **kwargs): """Filters for non-restricted records.""" # TODO: Implement with new permissions metadata return dsl.Q("term", **{"_access.metadata_restricted": False})
[docs]class AuthenticatedUser(Generator): """Allows authenticated users."""
[docs] def needs(self, **kwargs): """Enabling Needs.""" return [authenticated_user]
[docs] def query_filter(self, **kwargs): """Filters for current identity as super user.""" # TODO: Implement with new permissions metadata return dsl.Q("match_all")
[docs]class AllowedByAccessLevel(Generator): """Allows users/roles/groups that have an appropriate access level.""" # TODO: Implement other access levels: # 'metadata_reader' # 'files_reader' # 'files_curator' # 'superuser' ACTION_TO_ACCESS_LEVELS = { "create": [], "read": ["metadata_curator"], "update": ["metadata_curator"], "delete": [], } def __init__(self, action="read"): """Constructor.""" self.action = action
[docs] def needs(self, record=None, **kwargs): """Enabling UserNeeds for each person.""" if not record: return [] access_levels = AllowedByAccessLevel.ACTION_TO_ACCESS_LEVELS.get( self.action, [] ) # Name "identity" is used bc it correlates with flask-principal # identity while not being one. allowed_identities = chain.from_iterable( [ record.get("internal", {}) .get("access_levels", {}) .get(access_level, []) for access_level in access_levels ] ) return [ UserNeed(identity.get("id")) for identity in allowed_identities if identity.get("scheme") == "person" and identity.get("id") # TODO: Implement other schemes ]
[docs] def query_filter(self, identity=None, **kwargs): """Search filter for the current user with this generator.""" id_need = next( (need for need in identity.provides if need.method == "id"), None ) if not id_need: return [] # To get the record in the search results, the access level must # have been put in the 'read' array read_levels = AllowedByAccessLevel.ACTION_TO_ACCESS_LEVELS.get("read", []) queries = [ dsl.Q( "term", **{ "internal.access_levels.{}".format(access_level): { "scheme": "person", "id": id_need.value # TODO: Implement other schemes } } ) for access_level in read_levels ] return reduce(operator.or_, queries)
[docs]class AdminAction(Generator): """Generator for admin needs. This generator's purpose is to be used in cases where administration needs are required. The query filter of this generator is quite broad (match_all). Therefore, it must be used with care. """ def __init__(self, action): """Constructor.""" self.action = action super().__init__()
[docs] def needs(self, **kwargs): """Enabling Needs.""" return [self.action]
[docs] def query_filter(self, identity, **kwargs): """Not implemented at this level.""" for need in identity.provides: if need.value == self.action.value: return dsl.Q("match_all") return []
[docs]class ConditionalGenerator(Generator): """Generator that depends on whether a condition is true or not. .. code-block::python If...( then_=[...], else_=[...], ) """ def __init__(self, then_, else_): """Constructor.""" self.then_ = then_ self.else_ = else_ @abstractmethod def _condition(self, **kwargs): """Condition to choose generators set.""" raise NotImplementedError() def _generators(self, record, **kwargs): """Get the "then" or "else" generators.""" return self.then_ if self._condition(record=record, **kwargs) else self.else_
[docs] def needs(self, record=None, **kwargs): """Set of Needs granting permission.""" needs = [ g.needs(record=record, **kwargs) for g in self._generators(record, **kwargs) ] return set(chain.from_iterable(needs))
[docs] def excludes(self, record=None, **kwargs): """Set of Needs denying permission.""" excludes = [ g.excludes(record=record, **kwargs) for g in self._generators(record, **kwargs) ] return set(chain.from_iterable(excludes))
@staticmethod def _make_query(generators, **kwargs): """Make a query for one set of generators.""" queries = [g.query_filter(**kwargs) for g in generators] queries = [q for q in queries if q] return reduce(operator.or_, queries) if queries else None
[docs]class IfConfig(ConditionalGenerator): """Config-based conditional generator.""" def __init__(self, config_key, accept_values=None, **kwargs): """Initialize generator.""" self.accept_values = accept_values or [True] self.config_key = config_key super().__init__(**kwargs) def _condition(self, **_): """Check if the config value is truthy.""" return current_app.config.get(self.config_key) in self.accept_values
# # | Meta Restricted | Files Restricted | Access Right | Result | # |-----------------|------------------|--------------|--------| # | True | True | Not Open | False | # |-----------------|------------------|--------------|--------| # | True | True | Open | False | # Inconsistent # |-----------------|------------------|--------------|--------| # | True | False | Not Open | False | # Inconsistent # |-----------------|------------------|--------------|--------| # | True | False | Open | False | # Inconsistent # |-----------------|------------------|--------------|--------| # | False | True | Not Open | False | ??Inconsistent # |-----------------|------------------|--------------|--------| # | False | True | Open | False | # |-----------------|------------------|--------------|--------| # | False | False | Not Open | False | # Inconsistent # |-----------------|------------------|--------------|--------| # | False | False | Open | True | # |-----------------|------------------|--------------|--------| #